Skopje, 26 July, 2017 – With the motto “FOR SKOPJE WITH LOVE-GIVE BLOOD AND BECOME HUMANE” PlusPharma, in corporation with Red Cross of Skopje, contributed to the massiveness of this traditional blood giving action, but with this it also contributed to the health and welfare of the individual and society. The interest of volunteers for blood giving was massive so that they could save as more lives as possible. With this action we meet the needs for blood and blood products during the summer when the clinical needs for blood increase.
The action for blood giving is organised to mark the day of 26-th July, the day when happened the catastrophic earthquake in Skopje in 1963. Citizens every year on the 26-th of July show their humanity and solidarity towards their co-citizens.
This blood giving action for the first time was organised in 1963 for the victims needs for blood in the earthquake in Skopje in 1963.On this day come the people who are emotionally connected with this date and give blood, to give homage to the injured and casualties form the earthquake.